Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Latest.

Isn't Seppi cute? notice his messy face!
Seppi is quite the little talker these days. He's stringing words together now and everyday he says like 5 new words, its incredible.

Seppi Loves to climb on things, including his mom and dad! He really is such a joy!
He's so funny, He'll pick up things off the floor and throw them in the garbage or put his toys away and runs back and says, "good boy!" He Loves getting credit for everything he does!

For Christmas Seppi got this wiggle car from his grandparents, he can now officially do it all by himself! It's a nice little thing he can do inside while its cold out still.

Mike had school off Wed-Fri this week and he took full advantage of it. We went snowboarding on Wednesday together (my first time this year) and He went again with some friends from school on Thursday where this happened..

If you know Mike, you know that he is a very good snowboarder, he does the rails and the jumps and the whole thing! (he's daring!) Well, he caught an edge on one of the rails at Brighton and has a broken collar bone to show for it.
He's in a lot of pain and I feel so bad for him. Its crazy having to help him get dressed and up from the couch and to do all the basic things in life. He's trying to figure it out on his own and is very frustrated and sad.
It is amazing how fast things in life change, and you never know when it'll happen to you. I'm just very relieved it wasn't worse... I kinda like Mike!


Carters said...

Seppi is too cute for his own good - and smart. Oh man! Mike looks miserable! Sad!

Olivia Heilmann said...

Seppi is SUPER cute. I am sorry to hear about Mike... OUCH!!!

Angela said...

Oh no, so sorry to hear that!! I broke my collar bone in highschool...blah not fun! Hope you guys are doing well! I'm just looking through old ward members blogs:) Seppi is getting so big!