Tuesday, May 4, 2010

bitty baby boo boutique

My 3 sisters and I (Jami Smart, Sabrina Denison, and Kristi Jones) have decided to create a blog of our crafts that we've been making. Mostly it's been the other 3 who have been making crafts gelor for a craft fair. I felt a little left out so at the last minute decided to make a little something to see if it would sell, and if it did than I'd make more and go from there. To my surprise my crafts were a hit (so were everyone else's!) it felt so good to see people look at what I made and think highly of them!
so, Here is my plug to have you go visit the sister's craft blog and see what you think, its brand new and we are trying to figure things out still but take a look!
I make the Quiet Books, pictures below. go to: to get to the blog! Thank you all so much!


jkl warner said...

Those are way cute books you made. I looked at the craft blog first and wondered who made the books, I kind of want to buy one. How could I go about getting one and paying you? BTW... Way to go on your first triathalon! I've been running a few 5K's myself this year!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Cor! I did several craft fairs, but they are so much work, and it just wasn't paying off for me, but I'm glad it is for you!:) And great job on the triathlon! I just started working out again, and it is killing me. I don't know how I did everything I did in High School. Our bodies sure change after babies!!
Anyway, we are closing on our house next week- its and old home in Provo:) But the details are on my blog, silly! I'm sure Kristi saw that on my blog or Facebook:)

...DAVE and KATHRYN... said...

First of all, WAY TO GO with the triathalon! That is SO impressive! And I love the quiet book--so cute! I've been wanting to make one for Cole, I might just need the expert to give me some tips :) Let's play soon...PLEEEEASE!

Trent and Whit said...

Wow, Corie!!! That's impressive!