Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Guy!

Jeseppi turned 1 today, he can already put up one finger (although I don't think He means to say he's 1)! All day I've been thinking about what I was doing a year ago and how I was feeling. I can't believe a year has already passed and yet, I can't remember what it was really like without him in my life.
Jeseppi is such a wonderful baby, Mike and I got really lucky! He is generally very happy and easy going, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen! He's smart, good natured, sleeps well, plays well, is actually starting to understand when I need him to stop something he is doing-so obedient, He's starting to learn how to spit things out that he puts in his mouth-which is a big step up from fishing it out of his mouth! He says Mom in the sweetest way! also Says: Dada, bye, hi, woof, oo-oo-ah-ah (like a monkey), amoung many other jabbering that sounds like alien talk- and I LOVE IT!
Jeseppi has a real Love for animals, he loves the way they feel, he loves watching them, he'll snuggle with them IF they'll let him! He has such a tender heart and gives me huge hugs all day long. He'll stop what he's doing for one second to give his momma a hug and then keep playing! I love my little boy with all of my heart and I can't believe he is already 1!
Happy Birthday Big Guy!
(in the picture above Seppi is eating a very special birthday boy breakfast of pancakes with peanut butter and maple syrup, he ate an intire pancake and half of a banana, he just loved it! We sang to him and he thought that was funny too! such a happy little mood he was in this morning.)


Trent and Whit said...

Happy Birthday Seppi Man!!! I can't believe it's already been a year! We are so happy you were born!

Anonymous said...

He looks just like his mama:) He is super duper cute. I can't wait to get together and let our boys play!!:)