Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Swimming/a very fun weekend!

Seppi has always LOVED the water, but we just bought him this little flotation device and he can now swim all by himself, this picture depicts him overjoyed!! haha. I was such a proud momma! The last time we took him swimming he was clobbering Mike and I and would not go into his baby floaty, something needed to be done!

Seppi, Grant and Jane testing the waters in the hot tub. (don't judge me!)

Over Presidents weekend The Kinghorn's, The Bassett's and Us (the DePola's) got together for a wonderful weekend full of games, treats, and sick babies. Sadly it was cut short (because of the sick babies) but it is always a pleasure getting together with our wonderful friends from the village!


Amanda said...

fun!! We're in need a village reunion sometime too. :)