Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can't Believe it.

WHY... is there Christmas music on the radio already? and in every store??
I feel like the Thanksgiving holiday doesn't get the attention it deserves.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Christmas, but I can not allow myself to listen to Christmas music or watch Christmas movies until The DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING..
Then it goes full force. I have several Christmas presents already to go, But I will not allow myself to wrap them until after Thanksgiving. That helps me get into the Christmas spirit, when it actually Christmas time.
Thanksgiving is a great holiday, why can't we just celebrate that first? ha ha.
I went to the library and checked out a bunch of Thanksgiving books for Seppi and I to read, and He is totally enjoying running around gobbling like a turkey!
Thanksgiving always makes me reflect on what I am thankful for and helps me put my mind and my heart in the right perspective so that I really can enjoy the following holidays, remembering all that I have been given.
So please go right on with Christmas in your own way, but give Thanksgiving the whole month of November first!